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Python 201 For Hackers
Welcome and course introduction (6:46)
Course Discord
Setup on Windows (4:50)
Python 201
Decorators (8:02)
Generators (7:06)
Serialization (6:23)
Closures (5:28)
Object Oriented Programming
Introduction (3:57)
Classes, Objects and Methods (12:14)
Inheritance (7:28)
Encapsulation (5:10)
Polymorphism (5:07)
Operator Overloading (6:54)
Class Decorators (7:46)
The Windows API
Introduction (1:50)
C Data Types and Structures (14:51)
Interfacing with the Windows API (18:04)
Undocumented API Calls (17:46)
Direct Syscalls (24:38)
Execution from a DLL (12:00)
Extending Python
BeautifulSoup (12:21)
Py2exe (6:47)
Sockets (14:10)
Scapy (18:14)
Subprocess (6:46)
Threading (16:42)
Pycryptodome (19:37)
Argparse (10:37)
Python Projects
Project #1 - Remote DLL Injection (22:00)
Project #2 - Process Creation and Shellcode Execution (pt1) (20:00)
Project #2 - Process Creation and Shellcode Execution (pt2) (17:16)
Project #3 - Keylogging a System (25:33)
Project #4 - Buffer Overflow (7:01)
Project #5 - Encrypted Bind Shell (27:10)
Extending Burp
Introduction (3:06)
Custom Burp Extension (29:55)
Introduction (4:38)
Debugging a Script (10:37)
Wrap Up and Next Steps (1:27)
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