0-1: Welcome
Course Resources
Welcome to Practical Webapp Security and Testing (PWST)! I hope the course is exciting and enlightening for you!
To get started, you'll need a few things:
Course Materials
As we'll cover in the lab setup, there are a few materials you need to be successful.
- A hypervisor for running virtual machines. We demo setting up Hyper-V on Windows, and VirtualBox elsewhere.
- A text editor. During the setup, we'll install Visual Studio Code, but some demos are also in Vim.
- The course code repository. This should be downloaded on both virtual machines we set up in the next unit.
Course Support
For support, I encourage you to join my Discord—The Taggart Institute! Once there, please accept the rules and use the proper emote reaction to join the PWST channels.
I'll do my best to answer any questions, but please consider this a learning community, and try to help each other out as well!