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Movement, Pivoting and Persistence
First Section
1-1 Introduction (3:16)
Course Discord and Share Drive
Lab Setup
2-1 Network Configuration (3:25)
2-2 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 1 - Installing Windows Server 2019 (4:44)
2-3 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 2 - DC01 Invoke-ForestDeploy (4:01)
2-4 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 3 - DC01 InvokeADGenerator (4:57)
2-5 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 4 - Workstation-01 and Workstation-02 Creation (5:36)
2-6 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 5 - Workstation-01 and 02 Domain Connect (12:04)
2-7 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 6 - UbuntuMail (4:45)
2-8 MayorSec Domain Setup Part 7 - MayorSec Kali Installation (Optional)
Introduction to Command and Control
3-1 Introduction to Command and Control (1:27)
3-2 Introduction to Covenant (11:31)
3-3 Covenant Integrity and Session IDs (7:55)
Gaining the Foothold
Section 4 Lab Machine Requirements
4-1 Website Enumeration and Wordlist Generation (10:15)
4-1a Host File Update Lecture for RoundCube Email (2:48)
4-2 OutWord Email Phishing With Covenant (10:59)
4-3 hta Email Phishing With Covenant (3:51)
4-4 hta Email Phishing With Metasploit (4:19)
4-5 Remediating Password Spraying and Email Phishing (2:01)
Enumerating the Local Machine, Privilege Escalation, and Local Persistence
Section 5 Lab Machine Requirements
5-1 Local Enumeration with Covenant (10:44)
5-2 Local Enumeration with Metasploit (6:19)
5-3 AutoLogon Misconfiguration and Exploitation (6:55)
5-4 AlwaysInstallElevated Misconfiguration and Exploitation with Covenant (6:30)
5-5 AlwaysInstallElevated Misconfiguration with Metasploit (3:18)
5-6 Fodhelper UAC Bypass with Covenant (5:51)
5-7 UAC Bypass with Metasploit (4:55)
5-8 New User Persistence (2:50)
5-9 Startup Persistence (4:02)
5-10 Autorun Persistence (5:55)
5-11 Session Passing to Metasploit, SOCKS, and the Autoroute Module (10:51)
5-12 Persistence via RDP (4:52)
5-13 Workstation Dominance Part 1 - Dumping Hashes with Covenant and Mimikatz (4:12)
5-14 Workstation Dominance Part 2 - Dumping Hashes with Metasploit (5:10)
5-15 Workstation Dominance Part 3 - Rulelist Hash Cracking with Hashcat (4:36)
5-16 Workstation Dominance Part 4 - Cracking the Credential Vault with Covenant (10:59)
5-17 Workstation Dominance Part 5 - Cracking the Credential Vault via Metasploit (7:20)
5-18 Workstation Dominance Part 6 - Dumping Firefox Credentials with Metasploit (7:29)
Domain Enumeration
Lab Machine Requirements
6-1 Offensive Powershell Part 1 - Downloading Files with Powershell (5:12)
6-2 Offensive Powershell Part 2 - Enumerating Users (5:13)
6-3 Offensive Powershell Part 3 - Enumerating Groups (3:07)
6-4 Offensive Powershell Part 4 - Enumerating Domain Computers and Shares (3:45)
6-5 Offensive Powershell Part 5 - Invoke-FileFinder (1:16)
6-6 Offensive Powershell Part 6 - Enumerating Local Admin Users (1:53)
6-7 Offensive Powershell Part 7 - Enumerating Group Policy Objects (2:10)
6-8 Offensive Powershell Part 8 - Enumerating Access Control Lists (5:28)
6-9 Offensive Powershell Part 9 - Enumerating the Domain (2:20)
6-10 Offensive Powershell Part 10 - Powershell Remoting (4:51)
Movement, Pivoting, and Persistence in the Domain
Section 7 Lab Machine Requirements
7-1 Preparing Necessary Domain Misconfigurations (5:54)
7-2 Brief Overview of the Domain Through Bloodhound (12:32)
7-3 Abusing ACLs (12:17)
7-4 Pivoting Through Remote Desktop via Compromised Host (6:51)
7-5 Configuring Reverse Port Forwarding (6:00)
7-6 Gaining a Shell on an Internal Workstation (6:12)
7-7 Remoting Through Proxychains (4:22)
7-8 Unconstrained Delegation (14:21)
7-9 Golden Ticket Persistence (5:15)
7-10 Reverse Port Forwarding for Shell on DC01 (7:00)
8-1 Bypassing Defender with FodHelper (11:38)
5-4 AlwaysInstallElevated Misconfiguration and Exploitation with Covenant
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